To kick off our 2024 homeschool year, we made plan to take a special field trip on our Adventure Friday before our new school year began on Monday. We invited our friends from co-op to come along with us and we headed out to explore ZooTampa.
ZooTampa (or formerly Lowry Park Zoo) is located in Tampa, Florida and upon arriving we received their new Zoo Quest Activity Packs. It was so new that we were the first field trip group to try them out. For the younger kids they identified what type of consumer they saw from producers up through tertiary consumers. For the older kids they had a worksheet that allowed them to chose various animals of their choice, identifying habitats, feeding preferences, and other fun facts. They really kept the kids engaged with the information signage and helped them to learn alot. They didn't keep their attention all day, but we definitely recommend them. There are also free scavenger hunts that you can print up on the field trip section of the website.
First up, we explored the African animals. There were tigers, orangutans, rhinos, penguins and more. We leisurely, walked through the exhibits looking at the animals and reading about them. Many signs give the animals name and information about how long they have lived at the zoo as well. The kids especially liked these personal facts. One of our favorite parts of the day, was watching the baby rhino. At 6 months old it is still a cute thing with only a bit of a horn. The penguins with all their busy antics were another big hit. To round out the top three I would say the primates in general, especial the baby ones were also entertaining as like all children they aggravated their family members.
After a ride on the carousel and lunch, we set out to explore the Asian area of the park. Here we saw other rhinos, elephants, giraffes, and giant tortoises among other creatures. But by far the highlight of this area of the park is the safari ride. This gives you the chance to climb up into a bus and get a closer look at many of the animals of Asia. We were able to see several elusive animals as well as an up close view of the Southern White rhinos, even a glimpse of the brand new 100lb baby. This is a free ride included with your admission, so we highly recommend that you take advantage of the safari bus.
Finally we rounded out the day with some time spent in the children's section of the park. The younger kids got to ride some small rides with a couple of us moms, while the older ones set off to ride the small roller coaster in the park. Additionally there was a splash pad that the kids had a ball running around in, since the day had quickly heated up. Eventually they cut it off due to thunderstorms popping up in the area, a typical Florida summer day occurrence. The kids were a bit bummed, but all trapsed over to the covered playground and played a while more before us moms gathered them up for the trip home again.
My bunch were thoroughly wore out and all six slept the entire drive home, so we would give it a resounding yes as a recommendation. If you'd like to make a trip the address to the ZooTampa is 1101 W. Sligh Avenue Tampa, Florida. The park is open from 9:30 to 5, most of the year. Of course, you can always call for more information at 813-935-8552. Entrance to the Park is $46.95 for adults (anyone 12 or older), $36.95 for kids (3 to 11), and free for those 2 and under. However, if you can get together a group like we did, the field trip or group rates are lower, but you have to contact the zoo for those current prices.