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Hello, We Are the Cunningham Clan!

Once upon a time, an obsessively organized, red-headed writer fell in love with a good old boy with a passion for agriculture.  It was a whirlwind fairy tale romance, they met on Myspace (talk about dating us) the beginning of November,  met in person Thanksgiving weekend, got engaged their third time to be together on New Year's Eve, and married the following July in 2007.  Unlike most fairy tales it didn't end happily ever after with the happy couple riding off into the sunset, but what followed was a series of ups and downs.


Throughout our now 16 years of marriage we have seen hardship and pleasure, like any other family, but the connection through Church that brought us together has sustained us.  We have lived in 13 homes, lost our job 7 times and worked countless temporary positions in between, often scraping the bottom of the barrel for flour and the cruise of oil in making ends meet.  However, we've also been blessed with a strong marriage, 7 children (one of which is in Heaven today), a dependable extended family, and loving Church home.  It has been truly a well lived life, but now we are taking a big new step.


Our family has decided that while we love many of the aspects of a traditional life, it's time for something new.  A conventional life with a home and a settled job has had some draw backs.  We have a big home full of love and excitement, the satisfaction of seeing newly planted fields, and familiar patterns.  And yet, we've also had to move countless times, struggle with a feeling of merely being temporary nomads, and be tied down with a demanding work schedule that has often required the husband to work from before day light to far past dusk with no appreciation for his labor.  And so, we are taking this crazy show of ours on the road.


Our family is making the jump from the typical to the unconventional, and inviting you to ride along with us.  We are giving up the search for a typical and settled job, to work remotely.  We are giving up a 3,000+ square foot home for a camper.  We are going to horde memories instead of stuff.  We are going to pursue adventure on this new path.  We are a homeschooling family of 8 taking a leap of faith trusting in God that this is the next step of our journey.  We'll share our ups and downs as a large family, experiences on the road, tips and tricks to successful homeschooling, and the way we create a life we love, all while pursuing the abundant life.  Come and join us as we make our own happily ever after.

Grey-Brown Circle
Grey-Brown Circle
Danielle grading papers

Danielle Cunningham

Wife, Homeschool Momma, & Blog Founder

Primitive Baptist, wife, Momma of 7, homeschool mom, crafty planner addict, professional organizer, artist, lover of history & good books.

Gary with Danielle on date night

Gary Cunningham

Husband, Daddy, & Driver of the Camper

Primitive Baptist, husband, Daddy to 7 heathens, the rock and jokester of family, enjoys fishing, acapella singing, and watching westerns.

6 kids

Britt, Ruth, Rebecca, Kate, Will, and Jon

Children and Siblings, otherwise known as the Heathens

With 6 children we have a little bit of everything: a warrior excited to learn to drive soon, a drama queen with a flair for art, the talker who has never met a stranger, Miss Independent who is completely unlike the others, and a pair of twins whose sole goal in life is mischief.

Grey-Brown Circle
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