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Not Back to School

Writer's picture: Danielle CunninghamDanielle Cunningham

Homeschool Momma with her students

While everyone else gears up to share their back to school photos, homeschoolers around the country like to share their #notbacktoschool photos, and we are no different. While we kicked off the year with a Adventure Friday last week, yesterday was our first day not back to school. Of course, we all got our pictures, and, like last year, I asked the kids a few questions about the new school year.

My Students...


  • Height: 5'7 1/2"

  • Weight: 125.5 lbs.

  • Age: 15

  • Grade: 10th

What are you most looking forward to this school year?

I am most looking forward to physical science with Education Exploration. I am excited to see what it has to offer especially all the experiments.

What is something that you plan to do differently, or try that is new to you?

I can't wait for all the new places we'll go on Adventure Friday. I'll also be using a planner and trying new math this year.

What subject do you think will be most difficult and why?



  • Height: 4'11"

  • Weight: 115.2 lbs

  • Age: 14

  • Grade: 10th

What are you most looking forward to this school year?

I'm excited about aerodynamics because I think it's going to be cool. I'm also excited about spelling because I believe I'll ace it.

What is something that you plan to do differently, or try that is new to you?

I'm excited to try out new art mediums, but I do that every year. Geography will be a new subject. I'm not sure how I fell about it. It'll either go great or go up in flames.

What subject do you think will be most difficult and why?

Either geography or math. Math this year will be online and it's a new program it. Geography I'm just not sure what to expect yet.


  • Height: 4'11"

  • Weight: 111.4 lbs

  • Age: 11

  • Grade: 7th (we are skipping 6th grade)

What are you most looking forward to this school year?

I am most excited to have daily DEAR time back and to be able to pick some of my own books.

What is something that you plan to do differently, or try that is new to you?

I've never used a planner before, and will be trying that out this year. I can't wait to decorate it too.

What subject do you think will be most difficult and why?

Pre-Algebra, because Britt and Ruth found it so difficult.


  • Height: 3'11 1/4"

  • Weight: 46.4 lbs.

  • Age: 7

  • Grade: 2nd

What are you most looking forward to this school year?

Momma reading to me from my books I pick out for the library.

What is something that you plan to do differently, or try that is new to you?

I am hopping to try bubble paint as part of art this year.

What subject do you think will be most difficult and why?

Reading and math, because I'm not very good at reading yet, and I haven't done math in a while.

Educators and Support Staff...

Will and Jon
  • Pre-K 3

  • Age: 3.5

  • Will height: 3'1" and weight: 30.2 lbs

  • Jon height: 3' and weight: 27.4 lbs

The boys gave answers this year. Jon said he was most excited about drawing and reading. Will said he was most excited about Mrs. Teka. When I asked what was hard Jon replied with going to sleep.


  • Primary Teacher in the one room schoolhouse

  • Year Homeschooling: 12th

What are you most looking forward to this school year?

I'm super excited about everything. We have gone back to the drawing board with several subjects and found different great opportunities. I'm probably most excited about using Notgrass for Geography, especially the world geography course which covers worldview and recent events as well. However, I'm also excited about the new science the kids chose, it is one I considered for them years ago, but we just couldn't afford it. I'm even excited about spelling, which I detest, and am hoping it will be a relatively painless process,

What is something that you plan to do differently, or try that is new to you?

Geography, science, spelling, and a new math curriculum for the two oldest are all in the works. As for me I've altered a little of my planning in a way that I think will pay off for us in the long term. One thing new to me that I started this summer is being more intentional about working out and being more active. I'm hoping to walk around while reading this year to not be so sedentary.

What subject do you think will be most difficult and why?

I'm anticipating math at least for the two oldest to be the most difficult. They already have a bad taste in their mouth for the subject, and last year's curriculum did nothing but confuse them. I'm hoping that they will do well with our change, but still dread working on it with them, again, not because Algebra is difficult but because they really hate it. Rebecca is heading into Pre-Algebra so that might be challenging for her too. Reading is still going to be Kate's biggest challenge, I'm sure. She makes progress very slowly and I'm sure like the older two that she has dyslexia.

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