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Writer's pictureDanielle Cunningham

Grateful Heart, Happy Soul: Embracing Thankfulness Today

I have found that one of the best things that I can do in order to have peace and joy in my soul is to make a point of finding things to be grateful for each day. As today is Thanksgiving, the kids and I brainstormed some of the things that we are thankful for today. In no particular order, here is our thankful list.

six kids rolling around in a leaf pile.
All pictures curtesy of my father, Rick Mallard.
  • Cooking and Food
    • Ruth enjoys cooking and is thankful both for the ability to make fun dishes, and the finished product

    • All the kids listed food. We are thankful to have enough food, plenty of delicious options and for it to nourish our bodies.

  • Good Drinks
    • We are thankful for clean and healthy water to drink.

    • But they are also thankful for some good tasting drinks like Dr. Pepper, Fanta, and Hot Chocolate to name a few.

  • Growing up
    • They are thankful for privileges that come with growing up such as learning to drive, one day getting to own their own homes, and later bedtimes.

    • Kate in particular was thankful for getting bigger and actually growing strong and healthy.

  • Cups and plates and silverware
    • While on the subject of food the kids were thankful that they had a clean place to put their food and that they didn't have to eat with their hands.

    • They also remarked on how hard it would be to drink without something to put it in.

  • Electronics
    • Phones because they let us talk to people who aren't with us, and let us search for all kinds of things.

    • Computers because they allow us to take online classes, watch videos, and look up information.

    • iPads because they let us text our friends and video chat, as well as letting them do school work.

    • Headphones because we can listen to music all day.

  • Music
    • They are thankful for music because it is enjoyable and enhances video game stories.

    • Some specific music they were thankful for included Epic the Musical, Kid Bop, Hamilton the Musical, video game music, 90s country, and Church music.

  • Video Games
    • Britt appreciates video games for the strange and complex stories they tell.

    • Ruth enjoys the sense of competition and beating her siblings.

    • Rebecca just likes them as a fun way to pass the time.

    • Kate likes Minecraft because she can learn how to build and learn how to combine things. She also enjoys Mario Party because it is fun to play together with everyone else.

  • Toys and Games
    • Will and Jon both told me this because I assume they enjoy playing and learning through play.

    • Kate is thankful for them because there are so many kinds and they let her use her imagination. She also likes board games because there are fun twists in them and because she gets to spend time with our family. Her favorites are Uno, Sorry, Yahtzee, and Ticket to Ride.

  • That there are no mountains in Florida.
    • Ruth spent last week in the Mountains and while it was fun and beautiful, she says she is thankful that there aren't mountains in Florida, because it takes you forever to get to where you want to go driving around, between and up and down mountains.

  • Car with Gas
    • There were many reasons listed by the kids for this one. One was that we can go places faster than with a horse or walking.

    • They were thankful for the kinds of places that we can go, like to visit family, or go on adventures.

  • Adventure Fridays
    • They were thankful to be able to go fun new places to explore. Like the Renaissance Fair, where they got the chance to dress up and learn more about the Medieval period and the Renaissance.

    • Additionally, everyone was thankful to learn out and about instead from books all the time.

    • Finally, they were especially thankful when friends get to go with us.

  • Church
    • Britt is thankful that the Lord is there and we can feel his presence.

    • Ruth said because it makes it easier to carry on with the week ahead of us.

    • Rebecca is thankful for good friends at Church. She is also glad that we have a song service, for the prayers that are offered, and a yummy lunch every Sunday.

    • Kate says she loves the music, the food we eat, and all the nice people.

  • Friends
    • Britt is most appreciative of Ben and the Bouncers group chat, because they are always there for him.

    • Ruth is thankful for Lilli, Ruby, and Julia because they are great fun to hang out with and they all have some similar interest. They make life more enjoyable.

    • Friends accompany you and do dumb things together that is fun. Rebeca also said that real friends will be there for you no matter what.

    • Kate likes to play with Adley, Bree, Clayton, and Dakota. They are always fun and never get tired of playing together. She also like to play tag and hide and seek with her friends.

  • Family
    • Britt is glad for his many siblings, because they are great to do things with.

    • Family means even when you fight and disagree, or don't even enjoy them, they always have your back. It is comforting to know they are always there for you. Because you can't choose them, you might as well get along with them, because they are always there.

    • Rebecca insists that she is only sometimes thankful for her family. Daddy because he cooks yummy food. Momma plays Minecraft with me and will randomly dance with me to music. Britt is also fun to play video games. Ruth shares lots of good books. Kate can be fun to play with. It's sometimes fun to play with the twins, but they are also fun to cuddle with.

    • Kate is thankful for the twins to play with them, especially outside together.

  • The Dogs
    • The kids were all thankful for Scout and Ember because they make life better by being someone to talk to who won't fuss at them.

    • They also shared that they were alot of fun to play with and cuddle with.

  • Blankets, Pillows, and Stuffed Animals
    • They were thankful to be able to sleep comfortably.

    • Ruth and Rebecca were thankful for Monkey and Taggie because they are comforting.

    • Kate also insisted on them being glad to build forts out of them.

  • Beds to sleep in and a roof over our head
    • These are interesting choices for the kids. Britt is especially thankful for a bed to sleep in, since he has been mostly sleeping on an air mattress for the last year since we sold his bedroom furniture.

    • And everyone is more thankful than ever to have a roof over our heads with the struggles we are currently enduring.

  • Good clothes
    • We are all thankful to have clothes that are warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Especially clothing that fits.

    • Ruth is especially thankful for flip flops because if not for them, we'd have to wear shoes that box in our feet all the time.

    • Britt was most thankful for boots, because they are comfortable and look really cool.

  • Air conditioning and fans
    • Because it's hot in Florida and would be miserable without a way to cool off.

  • Electricity
    • Because it makes everything else in life possible.

    • And lights in particular, because they mean we don't have to go to bed as soon as it is dark.

  • Money
    • According to Kate, we are thankful for money, because we need it for everything and it isn't always easy to get.

  • For our senses
    • Because how else would we experience the world. -Rebecca

  • For our ability to communicate
    • Kate and Rebecca agreed that they liked to talk.

    • Britt and Ruth though thought it was most important to be understood.

  • Arms and Legs
    • Kate said, because it would be hard to do anything without them.

    • She also liked having the ability to move anytime she wanted.

  • Honest Hard Work
    • Britt says it's the right way to live, and it lets us earn a living. He says you aren't scamming or cheating someone so he is thankful to be able to do honest, hard work.

  • The Ability to be Creative
    • Kate said Momma is thankful for yarn and planners and paint and stickers. What she meant is that I am thankful to be able to be creative. Life would be so boring without a creative outlet.

    • Also, the world in general would be so plain and lack so much beauty without mankind having a creative nature.

  • Good Books and Movies
    • Books because we love to read them, and get lost in the stories. They also broadens our horizons, and allow us to see into the lives of people unlike us. It gives us new perspectives that we wouldn't have without seeing their world through their eyes.

    • Audio books in particular because with dyslexia it is hard to enjoy reading, and it lets us enjoy the story without tiring out.

    • Movies because they are able to tell stories and show scenes in a way that books can't because a picture is worth a thousand words.

    • Some particular favorite books and movies include Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Tangled, and the Mario Movie.

  • Accessories
    • Hairbrushes and ties because long hair wouldn't be comfortable with out them.

    • Glasses because we can't see without them.

    • Jewelry and make-up because it makes us feel beautiful and express ourselves.

  • Balloons -Kate
    • Balloons are amazing because before you tie them, you can let them go and they will fly around.

    • After they are blown up, balloons are great for playing keepy uppy.

    • Finally they come in so many colors and shapes.

  • Swords - Britt
    • Swords are awesome, because it is an impressive sport that allows you to defend yourself.

    • They are so cool and so much fun. And are a great way to play with your friends.

  • Pictures - Kate
    • I am thankful for pictures because they let us remember things that happened a long time ago.

  • Moon and Sun
    • The moon is beautiful at night and gives us light. Plus it makes the oceans have waves and makes the earth better.

    • The sun because it is warm and gives us life.

  • Ocean
    • Because it is a fun place to play, and looks beautiful.

    • Without the ocean we wouldn't have as much oxygen, and the earth would be so dry and sad.

  • Nature
    • Good breezes because they make days both beautiful and comfortable.

    • Snow because it is so much fun to play in and it is so magical.

    • Fall Leaves because you can rake them and jump in the piles and be loud and crazy and it's ok.

  • Pumpkins - Kate
    • Because they are so round and smooth and beautiful. Plus you can carve fun pictures on them and they look cool at night.

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