The twins started back to school today (hence the lateness of today's post.) Once again this year they are attending the local elementary school in order to work on their speech. If you'll recall from last year's debacle, they aged out of Early Steps so the only way to continue to get them speech therapy was to move them to the elementary school.
We actually tried to get them into private speech therapy by going through insurance, however they denied us, saying that neither boy needed it. After 3 appeals they still denied us and informed us that it was not appealable or able to be brought up again for another 12 months. Grrr. The last excuse they used was not having had a hearing test, even though they had paid for one just a month prior, and 3 in total for Jon, 2 for Will.
So, we have been left with speech therapy through the school system. They offer it for about an hour to each child in the classroom on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Therefore, the boys go two days a week for a half day, and come home in time for lunch at noon. They are again in Mrs. Teka's class, who they both like. We visited last Thursday for open house, and I finally got to come on campus, see their classroom, and even meet some other students and their parents. Last year it was hard just dropping them off and not knowing anything. It was extra difficult knowing that because they spoke almost none, I would have no idea if anything happened to them. But I feel so much better about it already.

Today was our first day back, and for the first time, instead of parking and walking them to their teacher before they went to breakfast, we tried the car rider line. Let me just say the system we had last year where folks alternated entering from either side of the road worked a lot better and faster than the cops making everyone loop around for miles down a different street to line up. By the time we got our turn in the car rider line their class had already left for breakfast and the teacher helping them out of the car, had to walk them to the lunchroom. But there are always going to be hiccups the first week of a new school year. Jon did just fine at drop off, but Will did not like going to some strange lady or getting out of the car without me. Hopefully he'll adjust to the new routine soon.
The rest of our clan doesn't start back for a couple more weeks, but summer is officially over. The little boys are back to school.
